Jeff Redman.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn.
Following the passing in 2018 of long time “Clerk of the Course” Jeff Redman, support crew stalwarts Duncan MacKay and Roger Fortune commissioned The Jeff Redman Memorial Award.
Jeff instilled a passion for old cars and storytelling into his son Evan, who has gone on to develop the Rylstone Classic as living memory to a much missed mate and dad.
Known affectionately for his love of a red wine or four, Jeff was a true brand ambassador for the Classic and loved nothing more than holding court at the Globe Hotel, entertaining sumptuously with stories of motoring exploits in years gone by.
From the outset of the Classic he installed himself into the event as chief worrier, and an audible passenger’s seat conscience - both encouraging Evan to keep the revs down, but also spurring him on to not let the others get away through the twisty bits.
A lover of quotes, a teller of tales and missed beyond words.
This award recognises the tellers of the tallest tales that can be told each year, all embellished over wines by the fires of the Globe Hotel.