Though shalt covet thy neighbour’s Mini.
With over 200 cars attending from all over the country each year, we see almost every possible variation in Minis and their friends from 1959 to today. Morris’, Austins, Leylands, round noses, 850s, clubbies, Coopers, Deluxes, K’s, GT’s, S’s, LS’s, SS’s, Sunshines, Elfs, Hornets, Webers, SU’s, turbos, stripes, no stripes, flares, no flares, racing dots, roof racks, bumpers, carbon fibre bootlids, red ones, green ones and sometimes even pink ones. And then there’s Barney who’s got a bit of everything thrown in for good measure.
But… there’ll be one car you can’t take your eyes off. One that will make you forget the late nights and weekends tinkering with your special friend. You’ll see it throughout the weekend and then it will disappear, only to resurface on Sunday morning outside the Globe Hotel. It’s your unicorn, your Eleanor and the spark to ignite your next project or even fuel a divorce.
Each year, we allow our field to pick the one car they most want to take home. Save your marriage and submit a nomination for the People’s Choice Award.
Award Partner
In 2024 Shannons Insurance joins us to celebrate the People’s Choice Award. Talk to them today about insuring your classic.